Getting used to the new camera.

During this afternoon’s tummy time I decided to pull out the real camera. I’m kicking myself for not doing so sooner because a) I needed the practice and b) he is growing and changing at a rapid pace. And part of those changes include the acquisition of some serious infant acne. So yeah, he looks a little rough, and the extremely high resolution of my new camera doesn’t do him any favors. But he is still cute. Unfortunately I am still getting used to the focusing system of the 80d and while  it is much more sophisticated than my Rebel, it also has a bit of a learning curve.

I need to start messing with the lighting as well. Probably putting him on the bed would provide a better effect. I found a few articles online about photographing newborns, and I need to read those. He seems to do his best expressions when I’m changing him and don’t have my camera or phone handy. I need to just keep one nearby.

View from the terrace.

I have seen tons of great sunsets from our little terrace here at the condo, but yesterday evening was the first time that I’ve bothered to photograph one with my real camera. Unfortunately I got started a few minutes later than I should have. It was still fun though. I didn’t use a tripod or anything, but snapped a few single frames and also some brackets for HDR images. The latter were a bit garish, but still fun.