Rain returns.

It is once again a wet mess outside. This morning I went to city hall then the library, where I bought a ton of books. My final stop was Piggly Wiggly. Due to the rain I spent most of the day in the cottage reading and looking at auction sites. Mid-afternoon I got cabin fever and so drove over to campus and then around a bit. From there I went to the Monteagle Library to sit in the parking lot and use their internet. After that I went to the Goat Market to meet the buyer of the green house for dinner. We chatted for a while and then I returned to the cottage and have been reading since then.

Finally back to work.

I was a little late going to be last night so wasn’t too motivated to get up this morning. But I did manage to get to the job site a few minutes after eight. I spent about an hour cutting down small trees before returning to the cottage to get my tractor. It took about fifteen minutes to drive the tractor back to the job site. I spent the rest of the day cutting more trees and hauling them to the burn pile. I also removed some small stumps, both with the front end loader and also with a strap on the rear of the tractor. About five o’clock I got a visit from my gravel guy who is going to take the logs from my land clearing. He was also my ride back to the cottage. After a nice shower I went to the Goat Market for dinner. Back at the cottage I have just been messing around on my phone.

Auction fun.

This morning I went to Kroger then to the Kubota dealer to get a part for the lawn mower. Unfortunately that did not solve the problem. Madeline started full time today and since Luke had a slightly elevated temperature we did his speech therapy remotely. After lunch I drove up to Nashville to get my dad, then we drove over to the Ritchie Brothers auction in Lebanon. It was pretty impressive and they had some nice equipment, although no trucks that I was interested in. I took my dad back home and then drove home myself. A wreck just south of 840 slowed me down a bit. I played with Luke some and then we had dinner. Not long after he went to bed I drove up to the Mountain.

The rain finally stopped.

Luke slept in until nearly nine this morning, which was wonderful. After breakfast we went out to enjoy the sunshine. First we decided to go downtown and see if there was much flooding. There was. We next went to the nature park and enjoyed a nice hike. We ate lunch and then Luke had quiet time. Afterwards we drove to Henry Horton but it was closed due to flooding. We instead went to the elementary school in Chapel Hill which had a nice playground. Luke especially like the gravel that was under the equipment and spent some time looking for shells. We left there and visited Ace Hardware and the “General Store” nearby. We finished up with a trip to Sonic for a little snack. I am regretting that. Dinner went well and so did bath. He got a bit rowdy at bed time but eventually went to sleep. Liz has gone to Target now.

What the hail?

We woke up to more rain. The field across the street was a lake and so we spent the morning inside. Liz and Luke made muffins for breakfast and they were delicious. After lunch he didn’t nap but did have some quiet time. Late this afternoon there was a break in the rain so we went to a park in Spring Hill where he rode his tricycle. After that we got pizza to take home. Luke enjoyed getting a little pizza and entertained us at dinner. While he was getting ready for bath some hail came down. I raced out to put blankets on Liz’s car to protect it. We are supposed to get another two to three inches of rain tonight.