Epic day of siding.

The day started with a slight rain, and I really didn’t want to go to work. I did though, and the sprinkling stopped after just a few minutes. I started setting up to work on the high reaches of the front of the house, then decided that we would work on the back of the house. It is so much lower and easier. I was all set up and prepared by the time my helper was due to come. Unfortunately he was nearly two hours late. On the bright side we got a whole lot done in the time we had. This involved working into the dark. I pulled out my big LED lights and they helped a lot. We would have finished the back, but even with the lights it was getting a little tough to see and we had reached a particularly challenging section of windows. We packed up, I dropped tools off at the storage unit, then returned to the cottage to clean and pack up. From there I drove home. A very long but very good day.