Yet another long day, with a bit more to show for it.

This morning I left the cottage a little before seven. I stopped for diesel then picked up a ladder at the lumberyard before getting to the job site. I unloaded all the tools and was setting up when my dad arrived. We decided to start working on the kitchen cabinets since it was a little cold and very windy outside. The installation went really well and we made good progress. There were two cabinets that we couldn’t finish because I need to relocate an air vent. I also cut some of the countertops to length. My dad finished installing the window trim, and it looks great. This afternoon we returned to working on the soffit and made good progress, although we didn’t finish. It was dark when we packed up and left. We got pizza to go from the Goat Market and ate it at the cottage. I have just been relaxing this evening, and will go to bed soon. I’m not going home tonight, and will instead take the day before Christmas Eve off.