Three months!

Unfortunately I slept in again this morning and missed sunrise. Three days left up here on the Mountain, and hopefully I will make sunrise all three days. Little Man slept in too, but that’s okay, since he turns three months old today. After breakfast we went on a nice walk along the Mountain Goat Trail. It felt great outside with the fresh air. I really hope that he enjoys these times. Afterwards we drove over to campus and saw the goats, who were in a new field.

Like most days up here the afternoon was pretty relaxed and everybody napped. Luke has been eating well and getting rid of that food efficiently too. We went on another walk this afternoon on the same stretch of the greenway. It was overcast and felt very nice out, despite being rather humid. Of course we had to go see the goats again after. Back at the cottage Liz nursed Luke while I went to Piggly Wiggly. They had amazing sweet cherries for $2.49 a pound, so I bought a bag. I also got a box of Kix.

Liz and I talked for a while before I went out to take some pictures. It was too cloudy for sunset so I just went to the back side of campus to photograph the fireflies. I wish I would have arrived just a few minutes earlier, because it would have been easier to focus with a little more light. But I was able to get three cameras set up and running. It was so calm and relaxing out in the forest all alone. The lightning bugs were really active, although I struggled to get compelling compositions. Phone picture below shows the dark scene.

Back at the cottage we bathed Luke. We didn’t have his flower pad but he was a good sport about it. I made Liz a sandwich and had a little dinner myself. Luke had more of his usual.