The brothers Wood – Box and Dog.

I did another T25 workout this morning, this time with more enthusiasm. After breakfast I went to the house and finished moving the large landscaping rocks into place. I then cleared everything out of the way in the front of the house in preparation for planting bushes. My dad arrived after playing golf and we drove down to a nursery in Manchester. The guy there gave us a good deal on some boxwoods and dogwoods, and so we filled the truck. There was a slight hiccup when he said that he didn’t accept credit cards, but he offered to let me bring a check later. Back at the house we unloaded the plants and started filling the raised beds with dirt.

During the heat of the afternoon it started thundering, so that seemed like a good time for my dad to go nap and me to go pay for the plants. I left the check in the mailbox as he was closed for the day, then called a left a message saying I had done so. I took the scenic route back to the cottage, kind of, at least from the Pelham exit through Alto and up Roark’s Cove Road onto campus. Then I drove by the goats. I rested for a few minutes at the cottage before returning to the house and getting on the tractor. I started by putting more dirt in the raised beds. My dad returned and we finished up the raised beds then planted four of the five dogwoods. I scraped through some undergrowth in preparation for the driveway loop and we called it a day.

Upon returning to the cottage I saw Randy next door and went to talk with him for a while. Then I called Liz. Dinner was cheesy rice (delicious). I just wish I had some ice cream, but now the store is closed. Hopefully tomorrow we will finish up the shrub planting, except for the few next to the water and power trenches which we can’t do yet.