A productive but crazy day.

I took a Tylenol this morning to help with the pain in my ankle. Then I went to work. I cleared a bunch of the downed trees then cut down a lot more. I took a late lunch break and then got back to work. Mid-afternoon Debbie texted to say that the Smokehouse was on fire and the road was closed. So I worked until 7:30 hoping it would open back up. I drove towards the cottage and got turned around before Piggly Wiggly. So I drove down to Pelham, over to Alto, then headed up to Sewanee via Roark’s Cove road. Unfortunately a couple miles from the top a semi truck was jackknifed on a hairpin curve. So I turned around and went near Cowan to go through Sewanee that way. When I got to Mooney’s the fireman said the road was closed and wouldn’t let me drive the quarter mile or so to the cottage. He couldn’t give a logical reason. So I walked there. But after a shower I walked back to the car with the intention of driving anyways. Just as I was getting into the car I saw him let somebody through. I stared daggers at him and asked what was up. He said “do you need to go to Cliff Tops?”. I said “no, I just need to go to the military museum, like I told you multiple times before”. He let me go. Now I am about to read a little and hopefully finish this Jack Carr novel.