Fun with the tractor.

I got out of bed around seven this morning, and halfheartedly did another workout. After breakfast I picked up some lumber at the supply yard then went to the house. I continued working on the raised beds until the guy my dad brought the property from next door showed up and we chatted a while. My dad came and chatted with him too. After he left we kept working. My dad made a suggestion to lower the bed height, which was probably a good idea overall, it was just frustrating to undo previous work. But we did it and the beds look pretty good. They are almost complete. I got the tractor and started moving stumps onto my trailer. It was challenging and took all of my skills, but it eventually got done. I drove the stumps over to the new property then used the tractor to push them off the trailer. Next I moved large rocks up by the house for landscaping purposes. They look pretty good, but I will need to bring more up tomorrow. It was super hot today but I am getting pretty used to it. This evening it rained a little and I drove to Piggly Wiggly and talked to Liz on the phone while sitting in my car in the parking lot. Then I went inside for a few things. Since then I’ve just been messing around on the computer.