Roller coaster day.

We got to the house fairly early this morning and started with some caulking and painting. I hauled some stuff we won’t need any more to the storage unit, and brought over the toilets and water heater. When I was back out and stopped at the supply store I got a call saying that the cabinets had actually arrived today. So my dad and I drove down to Shelbyville and picked them up. It rained very hard on the way back. We stopped at Chick-Fil-A in Tullahoma for lunch. Installing the cabinets and countertops didn’t take long, and they look great. Looking less great is a piece of flooring in the middle of the living room that is bubbling up in spots. Next week I will pull up about half the floor in order to replace it. We locked up the house and returned to the cottage. My dad went home and I had to wait for some clothes to dry. Once they did I drove home. Upon arriving I realized that I left my suitcase at the cottage. I pretty much have no clothes here. Talk about frustrating! Anyways, it was great to see Luke and play with him before bed time. We built a Lego tower and read a few books. He enjoyed his bath and nursed after. We read a couple more books then he went on to bed. Liz if finishing up on some work stuff now. It has been a long week for everybody.