Cold, slick, and busy day.

After breakfast Luke had some sort of potty training session on a video call, so I took trash to the dump. The deck was covered in a layer of ice and was very treacherous. Upon returning home I showered and then took Luke back to the children’s museum. Today was a much better experience. Everybody was wearing masks and there were no bigger kids running around. Apparently there was no school yesterday. Luke was more active and I chatted with other parents while he played. We left without fussing, but he raised Cain on the drive home. He was in a mood through most of lunch, until he was surprised with some pumpkin pie. That improved his demeanor considerably, but did not help him nap. At two o’clock the attorney came by to close on our refinancing of the house. That went well and it feels great to be saving a lot of money. Later this afternoon we all went to Home Depot for light bulbs and air filters. Luke had a big time there. He ate a good dinner including more pie, and went to bed without issue.