Short but productive day.

We got an early start after what for me was a fitful night of sleep. We quickly finished up one wall of siding on the garage and then worked on the opposite wall. The weather was pretty mild and we were in the shade for most of the morning. We also hauled a load of siding scraps to the county landfill. It felt good to get the site looking cleaner. After lunch we did some more but the sun was out it it was very hot. We started to move our operation into the shade, but we were really too worn out to even move the ladders. So we called it a day and will be back at it tomorrow morning. I’m actually really pleased with the progress we made today and think we have a real shot at finishing the siding by the end of the week. I drove back to the condo to spend some time with Luke, Liz, and her mother. I plan on returning to the farm later and spending the night.