Doing what I needed to.

I got a relatively early start this morning and was able to pin the corners of the block for the masons. That took a while and was frustrating, but I think it will be accurate. I also marked where the rest of the block was to be placed when Lowe’s delivered it. After finishing that I drove down to Ace Hardware in jasper for some fertilizer and then on to Harbor Freight in Kimball where I bought a tarp for the OSB. Installing it was a pain because it was so huge, but I was able to cover all the sheets. I rewarded myself with a trip to the Goat Market and chatted with Eric for a while. After leaving there I got my things at the cottage and then drove to buy half blocks in Winchester. On the way home I stopped at Chick-fil-a in Tullahoma for some fries and a milkshake. That was nice. Luke was waiting when I arrived home and we played with Legos and ran around until dinner time. After dinner he cleaned up and took a “mini shower”. Bed time went slowly but he is down now.