Cooler, wetter weather.

We are still having a great time. I got up fairly early this morning to take some pictures. It was nice and cool out after last night’s storms. Soon after we brought Luke out to look at the moon, which he loved, as usual. Liz didn’t work today except for a brief afternoon meeting, so we had a lot of time to do stuff. We all rode in the truck to the back of the property, then walked to he big pond. Luke was thrilled to see two turtles. It was a scouting trip to determine where a platform will be built.

Before lunch John and I went to get some fresh strawberries from an Amish lady on the other side of town. They were a big hit with Luke. During his nap I did some work on the next house design and materials lists. After he woke up we played with a train, then went outside to pick up sticks and ride the dump truck. It had stormed between lunch and play time. He ate a ton of strawberries at dinner and did not want to go to bed.