Active Saturday.

Luke woke up when it was still dark this morning and didn’t want to go back to bed. Liz made muffins while I built a Lego tower with him. We went to the farmers market once they opened and after taking our bounty home, took Luke to yoga. I walked around downtown a little while waiting for him to finish. After yoga was over we went to the playground with his friend Ellie and her mother, who were at yoga also. They kind of played independently of each other, but did seem to have a good time. We went home for lunch and Luke and I both attempted naps, without success. He went with Liz to get coffee at the Dotted Lime, and I took trash to the dump. We all went to Co-op and then Home Depot before returning home for dinner. I must mention that Luke drove up and down the driveway every time we left or arrived at the house today, and loved it. He did well at clean up and bath, but was a terror at bedtime.