Another roller coaster day.

This morning Liz took Luke to speech therapy and I took her car to get repaired. I got there at nine and she came to get me a little after 10:30. Luke and I read and played before a late lunch and then nap. I was working on my business website when I got a call from the mechanic saying that he had a couple of things to show me. I drove over and he showed me where unidentified rodents had chewed through a bunch of wiring. He said that I needed to go to the Toyota dealership for replacements and that it would probably take a few day to get them. I did, and they told me that they couldn’t search Lexus parts, and that I needed to get the Lexus part number for them to be able to cross reference. Well, and hour of internet searching yielded nothing and so I finally went back to the counter and told a different guy that I was willing to take a risk and to just sell me the parts for a V6 Highlander. He looked at the parts I had brought in, then went and found me some used one in the back. He said they were from insurance repairs and wouldn’t let me pay for them. I took them back to the mechanic, who was quite impressed, but it turned out that we needed one more. So I returned to Toyota, got another, then dropped it off at the mechanic’s, just as he was closing. I was relieved to have that done, and he said he was still on track to be finished by end of day tomorrow. After dinner this evening I went to Target for some diapers and paper towels but they were out of the latter. Back at home I finished my book on Alexander the Great.