Zoo day.

This morning we went to the farmers market for our weekly fruits, vegetables, and bread. Luke and I stayed in the car while Liz shopped, due to time constraints. After dropping our purchases off at home we drove up to the Nashville Zoo. My parents had bought us a season pass and they met us there. We spent a couple of hours walking around and seeing the animals. It was pretty hot, but not miserable. Luke seemed to have a great time. We went to my parents’ house for lunch, and Lauren and McGarrett came over.

After lunch Liz made the disastrous decision for us to drive downtown. That ended up being 45 minutes of frustration in bumper to bumper traffic. We finally got back on track and Luke fell asleep for the drive home. This afternoon we played inside since it was so hot. After dinner I watched an episode of Magnum PI while Liz did bath and much of the bed time routine. I went in for the last bit, and unfortunately he got super worked up and then threw up all over the place. After we cleaned everything up he went right to bed.