
I was pretty lazy this morning and actually really struggled with motivation all day. I did some taping off for sealing the bathroom cedar, then started brushing on the polyurethane. That wasn’t very fun so I lined up a guy who does some painting on the side to come finish it up tomorrow. I tried to nap this afternoon but couldn’t really sleep. I went to see Charles and Debbie next door before showering and heading home. The evening sky was glorious as I drove to Fayetteville. I arrived home at round 7:30 and had about half an hour to kind of prepare the house for Liz and Luke and her mother. They arrived and it was great to be reunited. Luke saw Lily, then took a tour of the house to make sure that everything was as it should be. He showed me all of his toys and even played with a number of them to make sure that they still functioned properly. We had dinner and then played with Legos for a bit before bath. After bath I read him a number of books before we said goodnight and he went to bed.