Buried by paperwork.

Well today was pretty much the opposite of a lazy Sunday. I spent most of the day updating my accounting for the house project. By that I mean sorting through seven months of receipts. I hadn’t input any into my spreadsheet since April. Needless to say I had quite a mess on my hands. I think that everything is pretty well organized now though. I just wish that I hadn’t spent so much money on all this house stuff! We are a bit over budget. After finishing that I started packing a little bit. Fortunately I don’t have a ton of stuff here. I went out to Lowe’s for more cardboard boxes but they were out of medium and large. Tomorrow I will try to go to Home Depot and get some plastic bins. I will be babysitting Luke for most of the day at the condo. Hopefully I can do some packing while he naps. He was in a pretty good mood today. I played with him just a little, but was primarily focused on working.