Another hot October day, but back on the Mountain.

This morning after breakfast we went to Target and the playground at Port Royal. Luke enjoyed riding his tricycle on the walking loop and then he played on the playground a bit. After lunch I tried to get him to take a nap only to be frustrated for about 45 minutes. After that disaster he played with Liz for a bit before we went next door to take some squash and cherry wine to Jerry and Janet. From there I drove to Monteagle and was pleased to take a route that was nearly fifty percent new to me. I stopped at the Templeton Library to see sunset, and it was impressive. Unfortunately my camera battery was dead, so I had to make do with my phone. I’ve decided I’m not crazy about my phone’s HDR mode and need to figure out how to turn it off, or at least tone it down. Next I got some food at Piggly Wiggly which I cooked at the cottage. I have since just been relaxing. I can’t decide if I want to read or watch an episode or two of Jack Ryan that I downloaded from my phone.