Late night party animal.

The day started a bit slowly with Luke sleeping until seven. I went to Kroger for some last minute supplies. We then just hung out with Liz’s dad while waiting for the rest of the family to come down. They ended up running a bit late so we went on to downtown Columbia and got a table at Puckett’s. Once everybody else arrived we had a lovely lunch, then walked around the square a bit. Liz took Luke home for a nap, and her dad watched him while she returned and bought a painting for Luke’s room at Bleu 32. It will cover the electrical panel.

Everybody returned to our house to open presents. We also celebrated Aunt Carrie’s birthday with some delicious cake. Luke enjoyed opening his presents, and received some books, clothes, and a letter play set. All were big hits. Next we headed up to Cool Springs for dinner at Tupelo Honey. It was delicious, and Luke did incredibly well, despite being out way past his bedtime. Back at the house he had a bath and nursed and was in bed after ten.

Low-key day on the farm.

I spent most of the day drawing house plans while also managing to watch an episode of Magnum PI. Liz and Luke went up to Franklin to hang with her family. I needed to do some outside work but wasn’t very motivated. The house is getting cleaned up though, in anticipation of guests tomorrow.

Recovering from Christmas, preparing for New Year’s.

I left the house fairly early this morning and drove up the Mountain. I traveled via Fayetteville. Mountain tasks included going to the dump, stopping by City Hall, an unsuccessful stop at the storage unit, a successful stop at Piggly Wiggly, a nap at the cottage, then cleaning the cottage. I hooked up another trailer and pulled it home.

At home I played with Luke, then we all walked around the back field for a while. The sky was pretty and it felt great out. Luke was a little late going to bed this evening. He had lots of energy and didn’t want to stop running around. After he went down I was able to spend a bit of time working on some house plans. We also did some cleaning and organizing in preparation for Liz’s family coming into town.