Early moon, progress, chickening out.

Well I drove up to the Mountain last night after Liz went to bed. This morning I got up at the crack and went to the the moon set at Day Lake. It felt great to be out, but unfortunately the moon set while it was still fairly dark, so my pictures didn’t come out great. I’ll try again tomorrow. I returned to the cottage and slept for a while before venturing back out. I was able to make some solid progress on preparing for my next project, but had a bit of a setback as well.

This evening I drove to Snooper’s Rock. The goal was to see the full moon rise, but it was clouding up and the gates supposedly closed at sunset, and so I didn’t want to get caught inside. It was still a nice little excursion. I stopped at the Ingle’s in Jasper on the way back to Monteagle. It might become my new shopping spot. Great selection and prices.