A wet but good day.

This morning after breakfast we drove to the garden center on the other side of town, and although it was closed, Liz was able to walk around and find a bird bath that she likes. I’ll go back to get it tomorrow. We went from there to Kroger and filled up the cart. After dropping the groceries off at home we drove to Home Depot in Spring Hill. We wanted to buy a lot more hot pepper suet but they only had one of them. We drove home and played until lunch, tried to have quiet time, then drove to Target while Luke napped in the car. Luke and I built a monster tower this afternoon, which he was able to show my dad via a video call. Dinner went well but bath and bed times were a challenge. I’ll stay here tonight then do a few errands around town before driving up to the Mountain in the morning. There is rain forecast for the whole week, so probably no masons until next week.