A day that did not go as planned.

Luke had a very rough night, including a fever and not much sleep. So he was not fit for school and thus I stayed home with him. This morning his fever was gone and he seemed to be feeling okay, just congested. After playing with Legos for a bit we went to a church playground downtown and then to Kroger. Back home we played some more and he actually put himself down for a nap before lunch. After his nap we ate and then played for most of the afternoon. We stayed indoors because it was so hot out. When Liz got off work at 4:30 I drove up to Monteagle, grabbed a couple of things at the cottage, and headed to the job site to meet with the plumber/electrician. We chatted for about an hour and got everything squared away for him to start work next week. This evening I have just been looking at stuff on my phone.