New doors.

It was great to see Luke this morning before I hit the road. He was in a good mood and we read a couple of books. I left and picked up the new patio doors before driving up the Mountain. I arrived right at eleven, and was met by my dad, who had been cleaning and organizing the house. We quickly took out the old French doors and then less quickly installed the new patio doors. The process went okay, and the new doors look great. Hopefully they won’t leak. There is supposed to be some rain tonight, so it will give us some idea of their effectiveness. I put down some more laminate, enough to install the final interior door and a little bit more trim. Unfortunately I am now out of trim and will need to go buy more. We called it a day and after showering at the cottage went to dinner at Papa Ron’s. It was pretty deserted. Tonight I spoke with Liz on the phone and tried to watch some episodes of Hawaii Five-0 that I downloaded, but the app wouldn’t let me. What a joke. On that note I’ll try to go to sleep now.