A long day, but there’s a bit to show for it.

I got started before eight this morning, first picking up some stuff at the storage unit. Then setting things up to paint fascia and soffit boards. Then I went to get said boards. The electricians came today and installed fans, switches, outlets, and similar stuff. I didn’t take any pictures but the fans look great. They should be returning tomorrow. My dad arrived late morning with the kitchen countertops and bathroom flooring, and spent the rest of the day painting fascia and soffit, and sanding cedar trim. I focused on cutting and ripping cedar trim boards for the ceilings, windows, and doors. Unfortunately I am going to need more cedar. I turned on the lights and worked until well after dark. On the way back to the cottage I stopped at Piggly Wiggly. Tonight I’ll mess about on my phone, watch the latest episode of Magnum PI, and hopefully go to bed fairly early.