Not glamorous, but necessary.

After Luke’s doctor’s appointment I went and purchased our wood stove. I think it will be a pretty nice one. Then I met my dad and we drove down to the farm. It was a muddy mess and was still raining, so we went to Home Depot in Spring Hill. I bought some driver bits, and inquired about siding, but it now looks like they can’t get it for me. We also went to the plumbing supply store and I asked about thermal expansion tanks for the condo. I ended up buying one. Back at the farm I brought in my new drywall panel lift and assembled it. Hopefully it will help make that task go a lot easier. We also used screws to better attach the subfloor to the joists. That should remove most squeaking and give a very solid foundation. It wasn’t much fun though. We left as daylight was starting to fade, but the evening was really lovely. Fog was all in the back field. I really am ready to be finished and living out there. It should be really nice.

Picture taken from

Six months!

Wow, half a year. Depending on when asked I would say this was either the longest or shortest six months of my life. I think there is a country song with the line “days go slow and years go fast”, or something like that. Lots of wisdom there. We took Luke to the doctor’s office and he received a glowing report. He even got some crud cleaned out of his belly button! He also got shots. He fussed a bit at various times, but handled the waiting very well.

This evening he sat at the table with us in his new high chair while we ate dinner. We ran out of time to try feeding him turkey again, but will give it another shot tomorrow evening. Feeling very blessed to have the Little Man in our lives, and so grateful that he continues to be healthy.