Finishing the wall, more slow cooking, new trailer put to work.

It was a glorious morning – overcast and cool. I took advantage by hauling a load of trash to the dump with the new trailer, and finishing the wall. I tracked down my little chainsaw, put on a new chain, and was able to get all of the railroad ties cut. This was after putting the last six in place. The wall looks pretty good. I backfilled it with gravel and graded out the dirt. Now we just need some grass to grow. There is still some dirt work to do at the base of the wall, but that should be pretty easy. I also continued to clean up the back yard, and have prepared another burn pile.

I prepared another meal in the slow cooker for dinner – butternut squash and black bean chili. It was delicious. Will definitely be making it again. We went on another evening walk along the greenway. It is very nice to have such a great walking spot nearby. Luke seemed to enjoy the time outside, as usual. He hasn’t been sleeping well recently, but is still usually in a good mood.