Legos, outside, Home Depot.

This morning we built more with Legos, then went outside until lunch time. Luke was upset because we didn’t hook up my car to the landscape truck and pull it. I told him we would do that later. After lunch he kind of tried to nap, but didn’t. SO we built some more Legos then I asked if he wanted to go to Home Depot. He said yes, and as expected fell asleep on the way there. So we drove around and then parked so he could get a good nap. We went into Home Depot once he woke up, and he had a good time. We got a ceiling fan and some materials for making bird feeders. He helped Liz prepare dinner when we came back to the house. Bath and bedtime went well and now he is asleep. Liz parents are coming in this evening and will stay for a week.