Easter fun.

Luke was up super early again this morning. Liz had hidden some Easter eggs filled with little toy animals around the house, and he loved searching for those. He also got an Easter basket with a few things in it. After breakfast we went for a walk at the nature park. Easter lunch was at my parents’ house and we left early so he could take a long nap in the car. We took a scenic route through Chapel Hill and College Grove before getting on the interstate. Unfortunately he woke up for a long stretch before falling asleep pretty close to the house. We had a very nice lunch though. He was very happy to see Wild Dog and Pop’s garden. He also loved climbing stairs and eating blueberry tart. After lunch we walked to the playground down the street and he liked that. We drove home and he read books with Liz in the back seat. He and Liz did a video chat with her parents while I prepared dinner. He was happy to have the last of the apple pie for dessert. Now he is taking a bath. After he goes to bed I will drive up to the Mountain. Busy week of work ahead!