Feels like we’re moving forward.

Luke and I played with Legos a bit this morning and read. I got a call from a lady asking about the house, and she was there in Monteagle and wanted to see it. Fortunately my parents were on the Mountain and my dad was able to drive over to meet her. They key had been kind of misplaced by the plumber, but my dad found it and gave her a tour. Obviously that was a huge help. She seemed pretty interested. My dad also got a hold of the surveyor who said that he will get going on subdividing the new property. After lunch and nap Luke and I played some more. It really rained hard this afternoon, but stopped just before Liz got off work, so we went to the nature park. The rain had cooled things down nicely, and we saw three deer and lots of butterflies. Luke really enjoys searching for red leaves, and we found quite a few. After dinner Liz interviewed a potential nanny and spoke with the references of another, so I put Luke to bed. He was very tired and fell asleep quickly.