Peaceful Sunday.

We went on a very nice walk at the nature park this morning, then we drove to the New Holland dealership so Luke could see the tractors. I worked on my receipts for the Monteagle house during Luke’s nap, and again before and after dinner.

Another beautiful day.

Liz and Luke made breakfast cookies this morning, which everybody enjoyed. Then we loaded up and went to the Maury County Park on the other side of town. What a nice place! We started off on the walking trails, then stopped off at the dog park where Luke was able to watch the dogs play and eat his snack. We walked around some more and checked out the mini train track where the replica small train club hosts events. There was some great playground equipment, and we were able to play on one of the slides. The bigger playsets had other kids playing, so we avoided them. After lunch Luke and I both took naps and then I did some work out back while he and Liz played on the deck. Dinner was on the back deck. Luke enjoyed his bath, as usual.

A pretty fun and dry day.

This morning I packed Luke a snack and we headed to he park. We stayed at the creek for a long time. After a three hour plus nap we went outside with Liz and he was able to ride the tractor for the first time. He really loved that! We had dinner on the back deck and enjoyed the lovely weather.

Will the rain ever stop?

Luke and I didn’t go out this morning because of the rain. We did read a lot though. During his nap I was able to work on a number of little projects around the house. Almost all of the inside ones are complete. Now we just need it to stop raining so I can work on the outside ones. Then hopefully resume work on the she shed. Fortunately the rain did stop this afternoon so we were all able to go to the forest. It is tough though when time is tight, because Luke can’t understand why we are so rushed. I haven’t been taking many pictures of him recently. I need to get back in the habit of doing so.