
We all slept in a bit this morning. The downside to it staying light late in the evenings is that it stays dark late in the mornings. After breakfast Luke and I went outside with John, and he rode the tricycle around a bit. We also picked pears to take to the Amish auction tomorrow. After lunch Luke and I napped, then Liz got off work and everybody went to pick some small squash in the back field. We had dinner pretty late this evening. Now Liz is putting Luke to bed. The weather was incredible today.

Shifting gears.

Last night Liz and her brothers got an email from her dad with an update on his health. It was not great. He has some sort of cancer and starts treatment next week, and won’t really be able to receive visitors for six months or so. So tomorrow morning we will drive up to Michigan and visit for a week. This morning I went to the lumberyard first thing, then drove home. I wanted to surprise Liz and Luke, but apparently I missed them by just a couple of minutes as they headed up to Nashville. So I mowed the back field and went to Kroger for some trip food. They returned home and we had lunch, then Luke took a short nap. We went to the Dotted Lime to get Liz some coffee, then dropped of her guitar at the shop to get restrung, and walked at Riverside while we waited. Back home we had dinner and did the normal bed time routine. It didn’t take Luke too long to fall asleep.

Still enjoying the nice weather.

This morning we went to Home Depot and Kroger, the latter of which was a mess, but we did get everything we needed. Luke didn’t have much of a nap, and we went to the downtown playground afterwards. We also walked around the square before doing a little scenic driving. Luke went to bed pretty early and without much fuss this evening. After chatting with Liz for a bit I drove up to the Mountain.