Making some progress.

This morning I called the plumber as directed and he didn’t answer so I left a message. I drove over to he house and loaded up my army trailer with doors, frames, window sashes, and other trash and headed to the dump. Unfortunately the dumpster was full but I was able to put my bags into the compactor. I spent more time organizing and installing bathroom trim before I decided to go look for the plumber. I found him at the supply yard and after he ran another errand he came by the house. We went over everything that he needs to do and he answered several of my questions. I went to the cottage for lunch, then returned and did a few more things. My dad came around three and together we walked the new property and kind of marked off some lots. It was fun to explore everything and the land is really even bigger than I had thought. It needs a lot of work, but that will be fun once I get my tractor up there. My dad returned to the cottage and I spent a lot of time organizing the house and pretty much putting all of the tools and materials into one room. I returned to the cottage to shower and wash clothes, then hooked up my flatbed trailer and drove home. It was nice to do that mostly during daylight. Luke had gone to bed but Liz was still awake, so we chatted for a while.