Back at the farm.

Today felt a bit like the first day of school after a long summer break. Kind of awkward and a little confusing. I arrived at about ten after six and my dad came not much later. The back field was lovely. In fact the whole drive down was pretty, and it felt surprisingly cool outside. Unfortunately I was out of caulk, so we first headed to Lowe’s, where I bought about a hundred dollars worth. Ouch. Next we went to a building supply store to inquire about siding. They didn’t have what I needed in stock but he said he would look into ordering it and call me. Shockingly enough he hasn’t called yet.

My dad got to caulking and I took a load of siding scraps to the dump. I wanted to clean up the site as much as possible. I also wanted to mow the grass around the house, but the mower is in Nashville. I should have it on Wednesday though. I spent some time cleaning up the inside of the house and bringing in all of my tools. We went back out to check on some doors my dad had ordered and stopped by Harbor Freight for some caster wheels. I spent time clearing the footings in preparation for sealing them. That was a bit of a chore but I made good progress. I used the pressure washer to start really cleaning them, but it was having some issues. We went back to Lowe’s where I bought the sealing materials and a fan along with oil for the pressure washer. Next we picked up the doors. My dad dropped me back at the farm and I got the pressure washing running again, barely, before it maybe died. It has lots of issues, and I might buy a new one tomorrow. I almost finished, there is just one section left (last picture), but it is really nasty and will have to wait until Wednesday when I get the Shop-Vac to help clear it out. The pipes also make it rather difficult to access.

I left about 5:30 and took the scenic route back to the condo. It was nice to take the country roads and not deal with traffic. Tomorrow will be a busy day and hopefully I will get a lot done. It is supposed to be hot. Today was 92, but it never felt too bad. They didn’t have any ice at Dollar General though, so we were drinking warm drinks all day. I’ll try again in the morning.