Epic snow day.

Luke came into our room pretty early this morning to snuggle. When we got out of bed it had only just started snowing. But boy did it come down. Huge flakes at a rapid pace, and soon everything was white. Luke and I played inside until Liz took an early lunch break and we all went sledding. Luke had so much fun going down the hill in our front yard. First he went with Liz, then with me, before deciding he wanted to go alone. The new sled was great and the snow perfect. The incline was just the right balance of speed and safety too. After lunch we played inside some more and did a little caulking until Liz got off work. She raked snow with Luke while I cleaned my office, then we all went sledding again. He again had a blast. Dinner was earlier than usual in an effort to get him to bed at a reasonable time. He did okay during his bed time routine and did go to sleep before 7:30. I have been working on receipts this evening.