The Sistine kitchen/dining room.

I feel a lot like Michaelangelo, but maybe that is just because of all the paint fumes I breathed in today. The day started early with spackling the remaining shiplap. That went a bit more slowly than expected. Eventually I finished though, and after lunch got my new paint sprayer hooked up. That process was tedious. But once everything was set we were really off to the races. It sprayed differently from my other sprayer. Not better or worse, just different. I only had time to do the primer. I am pretty happy with how it looks. Tomorrow morning I hope to apply the finish coat. Clean up was a little bit of a pain, but not too bad. My dad continued sanding and painting the drywall. He is nearly finished. It is a little cooler this evening. We went to see Zach at Big Box and told him we’ll be by tomorrow to pick up the cabinets. I hope to assemble and install them in the afternoon. I am pretty filthy from painting and sweating. A shower would be nice. Tomorrow night I might have a little fire out back because it is supposed to get down to 28 degrees.