Pretty productive again.

I slept in a little bit and wasn’t too motivated to get going due to the rain. I did an Insanity workout then ran some errands, mostly because I wasn’t excited about my main task at the houses, which was installing the final two porch posts on the second house. They were challenging but I was able to get them done in a couple of hours or so. Then I cleared everything away from the houses in anticipation of the evening’s earth moving. I returned to the cottage for lunch and to make a bean dish in the slow cooker for dinner. Next I went to the lumberyard for some cable and accessories to secure one of the access roads to the new property. That ended up taking a second trip plus a visit to Ace Hardware. Once that was complete I went to the cottage for my trailer that was loaded with lumber. Back at the job site I waited for Chase, who was going to do some dirt moving for me. He arrived a few minutes after five and worked for a little over three hours. He graded under the porches, unloaded my trailer, and helped me haul a huge stump away. We stopped work at dark. I came back to the cottage for a shower, dinner, and a phone call with Liz. I will hopefully sleep well tonight.