Mountain miracle.

I drove up to the Mountain yesterday evening and arrived around eleven. This morning I was due to meet the excavator at eight. For some reason I decided to go to the site at 7:15, which was a good thing, because he arrived five minutes later. He unloaded his machine and promptly got to work. He had two guys, plus his father come help. They didn’t grade as much as hoped for, and we are going to have stepped footers. Oh well, I knew everything wouldn’t go our way. But they dug the footers and placed the steel. I called the inspector about coming tomorrow afternoon but had to leave a message. No response yet. The termite guys are lined up for tomorrow, as are the porta-potty people. So things are starting to roll right along. Hopefully we will be able to pour concrete on Wednesday. This is a huge boost and a great feeling.

More heat, more walks.

Well, they are saying that the end is in sight. Thursday is supposed to be the last day of temperatures in the nineties. I’ll believe it when it happens. Today was pretty miserable again. Fortunately we were able to talk a walk at the new nature park before it got too warm. Luke didn’t take a morning nap so his afternoon nap was early, but long. He woke up just in time for the Lions to lose to the Chiefs. We went to the greenway before dinner so that Luke could run around some more. He had fun. We ate dinner, played a little more, then he went to bed.