Surprise trip up the Mountain.

This morning Liz and Luke baked mango muffins. We went to the farmer’s market and got some bread from Erik and Maria. From there we returned home for a few minutes then drove towards Monteagle. We stopped in Cowan to see the train cars at the museum, and while we were looking at them a train drove by. Luke was thrilled. We next went to see Debbie at her store and she was really happy to see Luke. We drove to the Goat Market but it was packed, so we went to the playground across the street. I walked to check things out but there were just too many people inside to even get food to go. We walked over to Up in Smoke but it was closed. We drove to Dixie Lee Diner but they didn’t have macaroni and cheese, which Luke really wanted. So we went to Piggly Wiggly to get some, and returned to the cottage to cook it ourselves. During lunch a helicopter landed at the military vehicle museum next door, which Luke thought was awesome. We next went on a little tour – to campus to see goats (they were kind of hiding) and Lake Cheston, and Laurel Lake Drive in Monteagle to see where I work. We returned to the cottage to clean and pack, then drove home. We had leftover chili for dinner, which Luke has stretched out to nearly two hours. It was a lovely sunny day and was nice to be outside a bit.