Still raining, still misbehaving.

This morning was a bit of a mess. Liz was going to take Luke to the grocery store but he wasn’t behaving, so she left him at the house with me. He went nuts for a few minutes until I opened my office to organize it and let him play with my real tools. Then he had a lot of fun. After putting away groceries upon Liz’s return we went to Yanahli Park for a hike. She had read about a new trail online, but we couldn’t find it, so we just did the big loop. Luke enjoyed seeing lots of flowers and butterflies. It was humid out but not too hot. Back home Luke and I played with Legos while Liz prepared lunch. He ended up having a great nap after eating and I had a mediocre one. It was pouring rain this afternoon so we all just played inside more. We also ate incredible cinnamon rolls that Liz baked. Dinner and bath went well, but Luke really didn’t want to go to bed tonight. I had to go in with him until he was nearly asleep, which was about nine. Then I chatted with Liz for a while and didn’t get to leave the house until 9:30 to drive to Monteagle. Thankfully it didn’t rain on me, and due to my nap I wasn’t tired.