Father’s Day.

It obviously takes on a new meaning this year. It has felt like a busy stretch of “special days” since Luke was born – Liz’s birthday, then mine, Mother’s Day and now Father’s Day. That’s a lot crammed into two and a half months.

We went up to East Nashville this morning to look at some doors at a friend’s house. He is wanting to get rid of them and they could be a good fit for the farmhouse. I didn’t get a great look at them, but saw enough to know that I want to return with my trailer and pick a few up. They are classic solid wood doors. Luke did a good job of pretty much sleeping the whole trip.

The rest of the morning and afternoon were pretty relaxed other than a little bit of fussiness. He isn’t liking his new formula so I ordered another kind online. I also ordered a little spinning thing to go above his pack and play. We did a little tummy time which he seemed to enjoy.

It rained late afternoon and thankfully cooled things off a bit. We met my parents and Lauren for a picnic dinner at the AG center. That was very nice, as was the little walk we went on afterwards. Luke was pretty well behaved the whole time.

I dropped Liz and Luke off at the condo and went to Target to pick up the formula I ordered. We are just a few minutes away from seeing if he likes it or not!