A little work, a little fire.

I woke up super early this morning but kind of went back to sleep for a while longer. Upon getting up I did an exercise video. I’m not sure if that is the start of something or just a one time thing. I’ll know more tomorrow. After doing a bit of reading I went to the house. I continued loading up the trailer with left over materials and trash. I also unboxed most of the appliances in preparation for the plumber/electrician’s return. It feels pretty good to be getting the site cleaned up and organized. Tomorrow I will try to remove all unnecessary tools so that there is even less clutter inside.

Later this afternoon I burned the pile of brush that my dad had stacked behind the cottage. I added a bunch of scrap wood and cardboard to the blaze, which was more convenient than carting it away. It has pretty much all burned down to ash now. I didn’t go out and photograph this evening due to the fire still going and also me feeling a bit lazy. It looked like it might rain for a while but never did. Hopefully tomorrow will be a productive day.