What about BOB?

Well, we now have an amazing new park just eight minutes away with several miles of gravel hiking trails. It is a lovely place that is very tranquil. Unfortunately the stroller that has served us very well for the past 16 months or so just wasn’t up to the challenge of an unpaved path. So we ordered a BOB stroller off Amazon, and boy is it amazing. It rides like a Lexus! I think Luke also likes the fact that he faces forward and can really see what is going on.

This morning we returned to the park with the new stroller and had a great walk. It was very humid, but most of our time was in the shade. We came back again after work for another nice outing. This time it was hotter and less shaded, but still very nice. We have only had the opportunity to complete the short loop, but will try for the longer loop soon, maybe even tomorrow.