Rain! And some work.

Woke up to rain, again. I took it easy, just chatting with my parents (today is my mother’s birthday) until I drove down to Kimball to visit Lowe’s and Harbor Freight. I got three paint samples at the former, since I was not happy with the previous dark blue I had tried. After visiting Ingle’s in Jasper I drove back to Monteagle. Since it was raining pretty hard I went to the Goat Market for a couple of hours. It was nice to chat with Eric. I did a few things at the cottage before making my way to the job site around 2:30. There I foamed around the windows and doors, and caulked what codes requires on the interior. That lasted until nearly dark. Back at the cottage I have been doing some planning and researching. I hope to start reading soon and go to bed early.

Spending money and of course getting rained on.

Luke was in a great mood this morning and was so happy that our guests were still around. After a relaxed breakfast I drove to the Lowe’s in Tullahoma to pick up some electrical wire. About $2300 worth. Ouch. Up on the Mountain I relaxed at the cottage for a bit with my mother before going to my storage unit, the library, the lumberyard, and finally the job site. I mapped out everything for the plumbing and electrical and organized the v-groove lumber a bit. Once it started raining I split. I went to the lumberyard to order insulation and then returned to the cottage. I have just been relaxing here ever since.

Fun and rain.

Luke was quite disappointed that Uncle Matt didn’t get up nearly as early as he did. In fact it was about a three hour wait. He was rewarded though and had a fun morning. After lunch he and I had quiet time, then we went for scenic drive, along with Liz. He fell asleep after a little while and had a nice car nap. The rains returned just after we got home and so we spent the rest of the day inside. Luke played with Tchopa a bit and then we had dinner and the normal bed time routine. He is actually not yet asleep and it might take a while. I will wait until tomorrow morning to drive to the Mountain.

Shortened Saturday.

This morning I took my trailer to the job site, returned some joist hangers at the lumberyard, and transferred a lot of stuff from my car to the storage unit. Back at the cottage I washed clothes and cleaned the house. I went next door to chat with Debbie and Charles for a bit before driving home. Luke wasn’t napping when I arrived a couple of minutes after one. I ate lunch and then we went for a car ride, during which he napped for a bit. We played with Legos this afternoon and he helped Liz clean the apartment in anticipation of her brother Matt coming up from New Orleans later tonight. Dinner and the bed time routine went well, although he was disappointed he couldn’t stay up for Matt’s arrival.

A day that did go as planned.

I was a little slow moving this morning, but did get to the job site about 7:45. I finished up the big back deck on the first house without too much trouble, just a trip to the lumberyard to exchange some boards. After lunch I started on the porch railings. They are going well, although I need some more materials from the valley. My final task was to start screwing down all of the deck boards. I worked until nearly dark. After showering at the cottage I went to Piggly Wiggly for some food. It has been a nice, relaxing night here and I hope to go to bed soon.