A productive, but still disappointing day.

First thing this morning I went to the lumberyard to pick up some boards. My focus was on the skirting for the front porches on both houses. I put in the supports and then the fence boards. It was hotter than expected and I didn’t drink enough water. There were also some distractions – Dillon and the property assessor both came by and chatted for a while. I also had to go get more gas for the generator. I was nearly done with the second house when my nail gun stopped working. I had wanted to also buy and install the goat wire for the railing, but I ran out of time. I will do that on Friday. After returning my trailer to the cottage and showering I drove to Tullahoma. First stop was Chick-fil-a and then Lowe’s. I made it home a little after nine. My cough has gotten worse and is making me miserable in the mornings and evenings.