Rain, porch, leaving early.

It rained steadily pretty much all morning. The ground was a real mess and working wasn’t much fun. Also my power cords kept tripping the breaker. That is probably better than getting electrocuted though. I cut and installed the deck boards for the porch. I’m really pretty satisfied with how that went. The boards were mostly in pretty good shape and went down well. It was a real pain to screw all the boards in, and I actually didn’t finish that. I will tomorrow though. This porch will really make it so much easier to install the siding on the front of the house. I’m thinking of doing the deck on the back before putting up any more siding there. Not much else happened besides the porch. I cleaned up a little and put the bath tub in the house with the loader. The plumber and electrician should finish up tomorrow. I tried to take a little nap but couldn’t really sleep. Probably because My clothes were soaking wet. The sun actually came out and it got really steamy. At that point I decided to hit the road in order to beat rush hour traffic. So I got back to the condo around 3:40. I washed some dishes and changed Luke’s diaper. He is pretty relaxed now.