A less productive, but still good day.

I was pretty tired and sore when I woke up this morning. I took some trash to the dump and went to the library parking lot to use their internet. Unfortunately it wasn’t working. So I drove over to campus. Back at the cottage I made breakfast and did some reading, although I still didn’t finish my book. I got to the job site a little before eleven. I did lots more cleaning up and added to the stacks of logs. Dillon came and got another trailer load of them. After he left I worked a little more then returned to the cottage to finish the book and take a shower. I also made some soup. Or heated up some soup I should say. Just after I finished Dillon and his wife and daughter came by. He was bringing me a trailer to borrow and he is buying the big army trailer from me. After hooking that up we all went to the Goat Market for dinner. I returned to the cottage afterwards and took a picture of the Smokehouse on the way. After hooking up the trailer I drove home. Luke was not quite in bed so I got to see him briefly.