A pretty nice Tuesday.

I actually fell asleep rather quickly last night and slept very well. Luke slept through the night too. Liz sort of has today and the next couple of days off, so that freed me up a bit. Liz and Luke made breakfast cookies, so that is how we started the day. Next I worked on cleaning out the garage some, then started building a gate for the back deck. It took a trip to Home Depot to get all of the supplies I needed, but finished before lunch. Luke went down for his nap fairly easily, and I took trash to the dump while he slept. After that I had a survey call with Google, and received a $75 gift card for my trouble. We were thinking to go to the nature park but it kind of started to rain, plus Luke wanted to keep playing outside at our house. So I hung a towel holder in his bathroom and prepared dinner. Liz is going over the “story of his day” with him now, and I might be the one putting him to bed. After he goes down I will go to Kroger.