A good Friday, even if it isn’t the end of the work week.

It was a very productive day out at the farm. I stopped at the Lowe’s in Franklin on the way down in order to pick up a new blade for my table saw. I was there when they opened at six. I immediately started ripping down the 2x4s is order to have strips to add to the rafters. Once those were in place there would be enough clearance for the can lights. That task took about two hours total and should really be worth it. Liz just didn’t really have any other lighting system she liked for the kitchen and dining room. The plumbers/electricians arrived before seven and got after it. I went to a door place in town and priced interior doors. They will be a good option if we can’t find any old ones. Next I stopped at Lowe’s and got a few things including a couple of sixteen foot 2x12s. They are for the platform connecting the house and apartment, via the garage.  I started on that once I got back to the house, worked for a couple of hours, then went to lunch. I went back to the Mexican place I first visited the other night. My main reason for going there was to watch Spain and Portugal play their World Cup match. Apparently lots of other people had the same idea, and I couldn’t get a table with a decent view of a TV. So I ate my decent meal and left before halftime. It felt good to get back to work, despite the heat. The platform will be very helpful. It was also a good way to get rid of lots of scrap lumber. The HVAC guys came as well, and cut their vent openings into the floor. I was really rolling along until my neighbor Russ showed up. We talked for close to two hours. Oh well, such is life. It was nice talking with him, but we could have covered everything in about fifteen minutes and I would be done with my platform by now. Instead about fifteen minutes after he left it started raining. So I just messed around cleaning things up a little before hitting the road at eight.

Back at the condo Liz had prepared a nice pasta dish. I drank a couple of fizzy waters and we talked while Luke nursed. She said he really hasn’t fussed for the past three days and that he has been really happy.