Siding back on track.

We got another early start this morning and fortunately it was overcast and relatively cool for most of the day. Our time was mostly spent up on the ladders putting up siding and soffit. We made a bit more progress than I was expecting despite a number of miscuts. One gable end is pretty much complete except for the fascia board. Another is really close. The work we got done today was a big emotional boost. I think we can finish the siding, soffit, and trim by the end of next week. My dad cut some of the back field with the new finish mower and then I finished the first cutting before moving onto the side field. As I was cutting a particularly thick section one of the mower wheels came off and I ran over it, snapping off a blade in the process. Ouch. The wheel was destroyed as well. TSC didn’t have a replacement that fit. I will try Lynch Equipment on Monday. Maybe they can repair the blade spindle too. I’m sure that will be expensive. Things were going great up to that point. There was a nice sunset visible from the TSC parking lot, which made me wish that I had gone somewhere cool near the farm to photograph. Tonight I’m staying at the farm. The whole next week actually. My mother in law is in town to help with Luke while Liz starts back at work next week. It’s not supposed to be too hot these next couple of days. It feels good here now with the family blowing on me. There are some fireflies out but not as many as on the mountain. Maybe that is bacuse I got back here a little later than peak time. I’ll see what they are like tomorrow evening.